Im an outdoor-z kinda gal always looking for a new adventure. I tend to jump in from the highest cliff, enjoy the thrill and sinking to the bottom never ever enters my mind. In 2004 I took a leap of faith, and Niantic Bay Bicycles was born.
I wear many hats here at the shop making sure everyone gets paid, things get ordered and keeping the staff happy!! For sure I am the host of the shop and a big people person! One of my favorite jobs here is creating! I customize all the tee's, hoodies, jerseys, hats and such. My mind is always twirling, thinking, overheating, and thinking about what next cool thing to tackle next! I love putting together day tours, taking groups of cyclists to the local islands, and other beautiful hot spots in our area. A few of the favorites are Block Island, Long Island and local Vineyard to Vineyard tours. You might also catch me riding to a trendy coffee cafe or brewery with a group friends! The locals know me as a runner and will often see me out there running, training for an ultra or some crazy challenge! I love being a part of this fun, entertaining, wisecracking, humorous, and loving group of dysfunctions here at the shop… makes my life kinda spicy! I love it and I oddly like the smell of tri-flow! Come on in and say hello and join one of my tours, I guarantee you will have an epic time!!

I am the manager of Niantic Bay Bicycles and a Barnett Certified Mechanic. Mechanical projects are only part of my job. I help guide customers to find the perfect bike on the sales floor. I teach classes on bicycle repair. I do bicycle fittings to ensure optimal performance or comfort. I make sure parts are ordered for the week's repairs. I help with the selection of all bicycle accessories. I add content to the web site. I love to fix things and solve problems. It isn't work if you love what you do.
During my spare time I like spending time with my family, my beautiful wife Kathryn and our three kids. I enjoy playing my guitar. I love drawing, cooking, riding, making people laugh and playing games.

I am the head mechanic/maintenance supervisor of Niantic Bay Bicycles and BBI (Barnett Bicycles Institute) certified. I oversee most repairs and mechanical projects here at the shop. I can help customers select the perfect bike from our wide selection in store and available for order. I help teach classes on basic bicycle maintenance, and help make sure our parts inventory is efficiently stocked to best suit our customers. I also always enjoy a sweet custom wheel build.
In my free time I play in two bands: Salem CT based Jam Shed Niantic CT based Uncle John's Clan. I enjoy hiking, biking, camping, and catching and playing live music in and out of the area.